Growing External Mentoring Support (GEMS)
The GEMS program for tenure track faculty (investigator track in School of Medicine) supports faculty building relationships with mentors external to UVA through funding of up to $3,000 per faculty member for visits, meetings, and consultations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for GEMS funds?
Investigator-track assistant professors in the School of Medicine and all tenure-track assistant professors in other schools are eligible to participate.
How do I access GEMS funds?
Within 30 days after you incur an eligible expense, submit a request for reimbursement via Smartsheet (contact Jennie Knight at if you need an accessible solution.), along with detailed receipts. Submit each eligible mentoring event separately.
Who counts as a “mentor” for the GEMS program?
A mentor is someone outside of UVA who can help the faculty member thrive as a researcher by providing guidance and advice, advocating for the faculty member in the field, steering the faculty member in areas of interest to funding agencies, a potential new collaborator, etc. This program is not intended to strengthen a faculty member’s existing relationships but rather to develop new connections to help the faculty form a broader and stronger external network.
What kinds of expenses are eligible for reimbursement?
GEMS Program funds are intended to be supplementary, enhancing existing financial support avenues like start-up packages and research grants. This might include:
- Expenses incurred to meet with a new mentor when that expense would not be reimbursable under a grant or other funds, such as hotel/lodging, meals, transportation.
- Expenses incurred to bring a new external mentor to Grounds to give a presentation, provide input/feedback on research/scholarship, plan a grant proposal, or develop a new collaboration. Examples: hotel/lodging, meals, transportation, honorarium of up to $1,000 per mentor.
- Expenses incurred to bring one or more new external mentors to Grounds to participate in a workshop for a faculty member’s book manuscript. Examples: hotel/lodging, meals, transportation, honorarium of up to $1,000 per mentor.
On the Smartsheet form, you must attest to the following:
- I incurred this expense for the sole purpose of establishing a mentoring relationship with a NEW external mentor (not with someone who is currently part of my mentor network) to support my success as a faculty member at UVA, and
- This expense is not reimbursable under a grant or other funds available to me.
What kinds of expenses are NOT eligible for reimbursement?
- Conference registration (UVA has other mechanisms for faculty members to cover this expense)
- Expenses incurred to meet with or host an existing mentor.
- Registration or travel expenses to participate in a course, training program, or workshop.
How long are these funds available to me?
These funds can be accessed up to the point when you have submitted your packet for promotion.
I’m not sure if an expense is eligible for reimbursement through GEMS. Is there someone I can ask before I incur the expense?
If you are thinking about spending GEMS funds on something not listed above, check with prior to incurring the expense. In your email, provide a detailed explanation of the proposed expense and how it fits with the purpose of the GEMS Program.
I don’t know where to start. Do you have any suggestions?
If you need help identifying potential external mentors, speak to a mentor or senior faculty member within your department or school. Once you've identified a potential external mentor, the Provost’s Office can help you think through the best way to approach them. If a virtual introduction would be helpful to get the ball rolling, we’d be happy to facilitate. Write to us at and let us know how we can support you.